Product Description
Polyacrylamide is, simply called PAM, a water- soluble high polymer and widely used in petroleum, paper-making, metallurgical, textile, chemical and environment protection fields. There are three categories of anionic, cationic and non-ionic type.
Polyacrylic acide(Anionic powder) is high molecular weight polymer with anionic charge, used for industrial and potable water treatment, paper mills and mining industry.
CAS number for PAM: 9003-05-8
PAM Functional principle
Flocculation Mechanism: Adsorbing suspension particles, polymer chains entangle and cross-link each other to form bridging, and make flocculation structure enlarge and thicken, and has the functions of surface adsorption and electric neutralization. Reinforcing Mechanism: PAM molecule chain and dispersed phase form bridging bond, ion bond and covalent bond to increase combination strength.
Anionic polyacrylamide Features:
1) Appearance: White granule
2) Molecular weight: 5 - 22 million minimum
3) Granule: 20 - 100 mesh
4) Solid content: 88% minimum
5) Hydrolyzing degree: 10 - 20%, 20 - 30% or 30 - 40%
6) Dissolving time: 2 hours maximum (10º C)
7) Insoluble: 0.5% maximum
8) Monomer free: 0.05% maximum